Women of all ages love to wear shoulder bags. The BEATBOX Bag stylish shoulder bag is made of high-quality PU leather, sturdy and durable. Its elegant radio-shaped design and clip clasp closure will make you stand out in the crowd. It's big enough to hold large phones and smaller accessories, such as lipsticks, wallets and keys. The BEATBOX Bag is lightweight, easy to carry and fits comfortably on your shoulder. The bag comes with a detachable and adjustable strap and three carrying options: clutch and cross-body bag, or single shoulder bag. It is a great choice for your daily life, shopping and travel!
- It is made of high-quality PU leather, sturdy and durable.
- Available in Black, Brown and Burgundy colors.
- The bag measures 19cm x 12cm x 5cm and comes with a single shoulder strap for easy carrying.
- Perfect for daily life, shopping and travel.